Wednesday, May 2, 2012

DIY- Teen-Twenties Christian Dating

DIY- Teen-Twenties Christian Dating First off I want to say it’s important to communicate your beliefs (religion, standards, life goals) to your BF/GF really this should be discussed before making a relationship commitment! The bible says. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14 to truly understand this I had to experience this myself I dated someone who had no convections and was not where i wanted to be in my Christian walk and truly it was very hard and not a blessed relationship! Finding a compatible partner IS important! second before you say yes ill be committed to you exclusively make sure your heart is true and this person is someone you want to see all the way thru, you’re not saying I’m ready to marry them but you should be seeing if they are "the one" Otherwise why are you dating? take a long look at that because if your intentions aren’t to marry as Christian i have to say i dont think thats what Gods will is for us to just date for fun (as long as where talking about a mature going out ALONE ROMANTIC dating) So if marriage scares you when he/she mentions it you should NOT be in a romantic relationship!! in my opinion! So here’s how I used to DIY CHRISTIAN DATE of Corse I was successful i married a wonderful man of God! Considering all the above is a good step in the right direction! step 1. so make a list Knowing what you want is sosososo important! step 2. Decide the standards you want to uphold and stand strong! step 3. PRAY AND WAIT (every night I prayed for Gods will to be done and for me to find the one I should be with) Step 4. Make a TRUE commitment to that person! and put God first! ofcourse relationships take time and tru intetions will surface in that time so this is a good start to a christian relationship!

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