Thursday, August 23, 2012

spa party!

The face mask, lip scrub and,hand scrub table....

so much fun!
spa table setup

my sister kristen


this is the first installment for the spa party me and my sister threw for a cousin/friend! everything turned out awesome and it was a great way to get all the girls together having fun!

for this one I will show you a DIY minibath bombs we made for the foot soaks at the party!
everyone loved the mini bath bombs that fizzed,smelled amazing and changed the water color!

Here are the ingredients you will
4 0z cup citric acid
1 cup baking soda
3/4 cup cornstarch
About 6 drops food coloring
10 to 15 drops essential oil(s)
witch hazel (in spray bottle)
also your molds ( we bought ours a hobby lobby they where lemons and fluer de lis!!)

stir dry ingredient in one bowl and wet in the other!
make sure mix is not clumpy!
add food coloring and oils one drop at a time!
mix both bowls together place in mold leave room for some expiation but not to much press mold firmly!!
spray lightly with witch hazel (will fizz a bit)
let sit for about 2min depending on the size of the mold pop out and
place on rack or plate overnight! spritz a tiny bit of witch hazel once plated!
they will expand and dry!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

fall trend color alert blue + navy !!


hi guys!! i just got a new computer so yea i'm back!! it's almost august and really where i live its still 103 degrees!! so no way im changing my summer colors yet!! this is just a preview of whats to come and honestly i wasn't surprised! here is a list of things I have seen for fall so far!
-knit dresses
+jewel tones
-faux fur
-infinty scarfs
...more to come guys cause honestly none of these excite me that much comment what you guys think and your fall predictions

Friday, May 4, 2012

Spring accerories

Want to buy something to spring trend but don't want to buy tons of clothing take any look to spring with the right accessories! Belts are always in so thats a good buy! The new Cambridge bags are so cute and great for the new small bag trend! Neon shoes are might not be trending forever but you can alway find a good sale!

Thursday, May 3, 2012



1. Measure in inches your:
natural waist
lower waist/or love handle area (not that anyone has them!)
hip/booty area
length of top of hips to bottom of hips
how tight you want it around your knees
length from natural waist to knees

2. Add an inch to your natural waist, lower waist, booty, knees measurements then divide by 2
EX. if you have a 28 inch waist + add 1 inch = 29 inches,
then divide by 2 = 14.5 inches
3. Take a piece of stretchy or non stretchy fabric fold in half - make sure that it is within the longest width and length of your pencil skirt's measurement.
4. take a fabric marker or pins and mark the center of the fabric when folded
- the first picture below is folded and marked down the middle!
5. Take all new measurements (EX. 14.5 inches) and center them evenly down the center of the folded fabric in their appropriate places - MARK!!! Just like the first picture shows! if you want to add a little bit extra just in case, that is wise because it can always be taken in! Make sure to account for the length of your hips and the length from your natural waist to the top of the hips. Tapper from the bottom of the hips to the knees.
6. At this point you cut on the marked lines and pin
7. SEW taking a 1/4 - 1/2 seam allowance in account!
8. If you want to add a zipper ( with most stretchy fabrics you don't have to!) then you can do so now!
9. Hem top and bottom by folding it over and sewing with zig zag stitch - but if you are using knit fabric it doesn't fray and you don't have to hem! yahoo!
10. IRON excess fabric from seam allowance down in opposite directions, so it leaves a very flat and clean line on the outside! This is very important, because it makes it look finished.


SO IM GIVING AWAY A $25 GIFTCARD TO SEPHORA!! once i reach 50 subscribers!
How to WIN!
it is required to WIN that you follow me! on blogger,subscribe or G+
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after you follow me you comment on a post that you like or share it
when i reach 50 subcribers or followers on blogger/G+ i will choose a contestant at random to win the $25 gift card!
if you dont win dont be sad i hope to have lots of giveaways in the future!

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color blocking!

so this has been a trend for a while but i doubt it will disapear anytime soon love the tangy orange and pink look!
there lots of ways to color block but this one makes me think summer!


I own a really expensive sewing machine but something broke and im to lazy to go get it fixed so if you’re like me and would rather be needle in hand you can make it happen with these easy ruffles! Learning this is a gate to making lots of other DIY GOODIES! (Rosettes, ruffle skirts,handbags..ext)sounds fun but for now ill show you Basic 101 ruffle!

1. find your fabrics decide what you’re doing .
Examples the shirt I’m wearing in the picture is made of a old tank top and cheetah scarf
or you can go to a fabric store!

2. Decide your width and length pf the fabric make a long rectangle fold or iron crease like in pic #2

3. thread your needle tie a knot in the opposite side that you threaded thru now your ready (pick a thread that wont show!)

4.start your threading in a corner go under first so the knot does not show thread in and out the father the spacing the bigger the ruffles ..Smaller equals lots of cute tiny ruffle depend on the effect you want! in and out make sure there are no knot or tangles and that your start knot is still where you started!

5. Pull the thread and the fabric should start to gather and you should end up with nice ruffles.

6. pull the ruffles till your satisfied tie a knot when you have the right length and ruffle you want!

7. apply ruffle with same techniques sew, hot glue ,tack, or pin!
Thanks for reading question or comments welcome!


love the colored jean trends but hate pants or want to switch it up take a look at this easy switch! a office wear approved twist on this new trend! comment or send me a pic of your trendy ideas! <3 xoxo Follow Me on Pinterest

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


9cm SHUSH TRIM WITH BINDING FOR USE IN MAKING HATS,FASCINATORS AND CRAFT wire,hotglue,or thread headband ,comb or fasinator base(avalible on ebay) first I purchaced sinamay trimming off ebay from (Leading Fabrics Ltd) once it arrived i set out my tools and started to work out the pleats from shipping by rubbing and streaching. i watched a few youtube tutorials but none where that amazing! the base so i cut my sinamay in half threaded one with wire down the side closest to me and tied a knot in the end then pulled if you have ever made a ruffle its exactly like that only with wire so now i took the end with out the knot and pulled it close as I could so i could connect it i threaded once so i could tie a secure knot then cut the wire you should have a bowl looking shape hide any wires and secure with thread or more wire this was my base i secured this to a headband with wire. my top fascinator was just finding the shape i wanted and securing that with thread you can use bobby pins to help while sewing! after i had the look i wanted i added two ends of black sinamay shaped as leaves to give my rose shaped fascinator a edge then i added feathers for flare! hot glue is great for feathers! so thats how i made my fascinator! thanks for reading send me a pic if you try it!

DIY- Teen-Twenties Christian Dating

DIY- Teen-Twenties Christian Dating First off I want to say it’s important to communicate your beliefs (religion, standards, life goals) to your BF/GF really this should be discussed before making a relationship commitment! The bible says. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14 to truly understand this I had to experience this myself I dated someone who had no convections and was not where i wanted to be in my Christian walk and truly it was very hard and not a blessed relationship! Finding a compatible partner IS important! second before you say yes ill be committed to you exclusively make sure your heart is true and this person is someone you want to see all the way thru, you’re not saying I’m ready to marry them but you should be seeing if they are "the one" Otherwise why are you dating? take a long look at that because if your intentions aren’t to marry as Christian i have to say i dont think thats what Gods will is for us to just date for fun (as long as where talking about a mature going out ALONE ROMANTIC dating) So if marriage scares you when he/she mentions it you should NOT be in a romantic relationship!! in my opinion! So here’s how I used to DIY CHRISTIAN DATE of Corse I was successful i married a wonderful man of God! Considering all the above is a good step in the right direction! step 1. so make a list Knowing what you want is sosososo important! step 2. Decide the standards you want to uphold and stand strong! step 3. PRAY AND WAIT (every night I prayed for Gods will to be done and for me to find the one I should be with) Step 4. Make a TRUE commitment to that person! and put God first! ofcourse relationships take time and tru intetions will surface in that time so this is a good start to a christian relationship!